
Mother's Day
In Australia, like America, we celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May. This year that's Sunday May 13....The tradition o
5 min read

Clip-On Earring Comfort Accessories
Do you have a wonderful pair of clip-on earrings that you absolutely love, but that you wish were a little more comfortable? Or a beautiful
2 min read

August's Birthstones – Peridot and Sardonyx
August has two pretty birthstones: the modern birthstone for August is Peridot, a soothing green volcanic gemstone, and the traditional Augu
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Diamond Simulants
Originally 'rhinestone' was the name given to natural rock crystals gathered in the Rhine River regions of Europe. These quartz crys
3 min read

July's Birthstone - The Ruby
Rubies are amongst the most beautiful jewels and one of the "Big Four" of the most precious cardinal gemstones; the others being S
5 min read

Alternative Uses for Clip-On Earrings
Do you just wear your clip-on earrings on your ears? Your earring is missing its full potential! There are so many more uses for the humble
3 min read

Which Earrings Should Be Clip-Ons? Help Us Choose!
One of the suppliers of our premium range of clip-on earrings has kindly agreed to make more of their beautiful pierced earrings available a
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Valentine's Day
The truth is, like many Christian feast days, St Valentine's Day was the set by the Roman Catholic Church to supersede an ancient pagan
3 min read

So You're Engaged!
Most hopeful young men – and women – nowadays put a lot of thought and effort into making the proposal unique. Not so long ago the proposal
10 min read

Acrostic Jewellery, The Language of Love
Imagine a love token in the form of jewellery; a bracelet or ring with a hidden symbolic meaning. Of course a message could be engraved, but
3 min read