
August's Birthstones – Peridot and Sardonyx
August has two pretty birthstones: the modern birthstone for August is Peridot, a soothing green volcanic gemstone, and the traditional Augu
5 min read

Gemology: Q is for...
Quartz, otherwise known as Rock Crystal, is an abundant natural mineral found in many forms. A lot of the popular gemstones you know are a v
1 min read

Diamond Simulants
Originally 'rhinestone' was the name given to natural rock crystals gathered in the Rhine River regions of Europe. These quartz crys
3 min read

How to wear your clip-on earrings
Think an article about how to wear your clip-on earrings is the equivalent of teaching your granny to suck eggs? Bear with us here – there&#
4 min read

Gemology: P is for ...
Natural pearls are formed when an irritant enters the shell (or is introduced in the case of cultured pearls), and the mollusc begins to coa
4 min read