
April's Birthstone – Diamond
Diamonds are the hardest natural substance yet discovered. They were formed when pure carbon (possibly pre-historic rotting forests, or carb
5 min read

Earring Styles of the 1980s
Back-combed, teased and permed hair styles, wide shoulder pads, and high-street fashion that pushed boundaries like never before, the eighti
3 min read

Alternative Uses for Clip-On Earrings
Do you just wear your clip-on earrings on your ears? Your earring is missing its full potential! There are so many more uses for the humble
3 min read

Which Earrings Should Be Clip-Ons? Help Us Choose!
One of the suppliers of our premium range of clip-on earrings has kindly agreed to make more of their beautiful pierced earrings available a
2 min read

Gemology: K is for ...
Kunzite (have you ever heard of it?) is a stunning pastel pink crystal mineral. It has often been confused with rose quartz, tourmaline, and
2 min read