Jewellery Spells, Old Wives' Tales and Legends of Cursed Gemstones!
"It's Hallowe'en night when the vampires bite,
if you don't give us a treat we'll give you a fright!"
Well, not r
5 min read

Gemology, E is for ...
Epidote makes a wonderful collectors' gem because of its stunning structural formations. It's most usually found in shades of green
3 min read

Acrostic Jewellery, The Language of Love
Imagine a love token in the form of jewellery; a bracelet or ring with a hidden symbolic meaning. Of course a message could be engraved, but
3 min read
Know Your Birthstones ~ A Fun Month-by-Month Guide!
While some people still hold true to these superstitions, gradually sentiment took over and people would hold to their own birthstone all ye
6 min read

Gemology: D is for ...
Demantoid is the most expensive member of the garnet family but unlike the garnet you may be more familiar with, this particularly valuable
3 min read